We supply engaging and practical educational resources across a variety of settings. On our experienced team we have Primary teachers, Secondary teachers, TEFL teachers, Senior Management and Specialist Leaders of Education. Together, we aim to spread our knowledge and enthusiasm to other professionals and pupils around the world.
We supply engaging and practical educational resources across a variety of settings. On our experienced team we have Primary teachers, Secondary teachers, TEFL teachers, Senior Management and Specialist Leaders of Education. Together, we aim to spread our knowledge and enthusiasm to other professionals and pupils around the world.
This presentation can be used as an assembly or as a class activity. It can be used to introduce the teaching of any of his novels. It is about his works and his life. Both of these elements are presented in the form of a quiz which can be used as a speaking and listening activity or with the pupils writing the answers. It contains a nice mixture of facts, fun and nonsense.
This resource consists of a selection of activities that can be used to help pupils to write an essay about an artist. There is an information gathering exercise which pupils can use to research and learn more about a chosen artist. This is followed by differentiated writing frames that the pupils can complete to create an easy to follow plan for their written text. This frame helps the pupils to structure their texts and includes some vocabulary suggestions (varied sentence openings). Pupils are then asked to use the plan to write their text about an artist. This resource can be used in English or art lessons and is an effective way of promoting literacy across the curriculum.
This bundle contains a series of writing units to be used in a variety of subjects. These units have easy to create and follow writing frames which pupils can use to produce quality writing across the curriculum. The units follow a similar format so pupils will learn to use these skills in a variety of settings. Some units also include other activities and example texts/plans to study and discuss. This bundle includes units for:
Religious Education
Design Technology
This writing course is designed to be used with any school subject. It includes a variety of writing frames and planning activities that pupils can easily use to produce different types of writing. There are three separate booklets which represent three different levels. These are Initial Level, Higher Level and Advanced Level and the tasks in each are differentiated accordingly. The names are chosen for motivational reasons so that all pupils feel they are working to a good standard. The types of writing included at each level are:
Informative Writing
Personal Writing
Writing Instructions
Persuasive Writing
Imaginative Writing
Discursive Writing
Most of these types of writing can be used along with topics studied in any subject. Staff may not feel that some types of writing fit their course, for example imaginative writing, so you may choose to only use some units in some subjects.
This is a great resource to promote literacy across the curriculum. With numerous subjects following the same structure for writing and with them all completing this course, your pupils are more likely to improve their writing skills.
This is a knowledge organiser for EYFS Autumn 2. It is visually striking and supplies information on the topics to be taught, the vocabulary specific to those topics and the help that will be offered to the pupils so that they can access the learning. This is normally used for Reception class.
This is a programme of peer assessments in education. It contains 16 different peer observation sheets, each having a different teaching and learning focus.
The benefits of using different teaching and learning focuses in peer observations are:
By giving each peer observation a different teaching focus to observe, it will encourage teachers to think about different areas of teaching and learning.
It will ensure that completing a series of peer observations every year remains interesting.
The process is less threatening and judgemental.
The aim of observation is to think about the teaching and learning area of focus and for all staff involved to learn from the experience. The quality of the lesson itself is not to be analysed.
Peer Observation Sheets Included:
Behaviour Management
Questioning: Pitch
Questioning: Intent
Questioning: Different Questioning Activities
Questioning: Differentiation Through Questioning
Questioning: Pupil Involvement
Individual Pupil Engagement
Class Engagement
Teacher’s Use Of Language
Language Directed At
An Individual Pupil
Teacher’s Movement (Monitoring)
Links To Other Subjects
Who Leads The Learning?
What I Can Use In My Own Teaching
This resource programme also includes an introduction text and a powerpoint presentation that can be used to launch the peer observation programme in a staff meeting.
Organisation Of The Peer Observation Programme:
• Teachers agree to complete a peer observation.
(More than one teacher can observe one member of staff)
• A meeting between the staff involved is held before the observation in which the time of the observation and the lesson focus is decided.
• The teacher being observed plans the lesson with the teaching and learning focus in mind.
• The lesson is observed with the observer completing the relevant peer observation form.
• The teachers hold a post-lesson discussion, both completing the details on the observation form and discussing the lesson focus in detail.
• The observer completes their peer observation record chart and shared it with the SLT.
• The number of peer observations required in a year is decided by the SLT, but staff may wish to conduct more observations than this.
This resource consists of a spelling booklet of words in 9 phases of difficulty and a spelling test template. The growing difficulty of the words presented is linked to the pupils’ developing knowledge of phonics. These documents can be used in lessons and as homework. For both resources in this unit, we have included both a PDF and a Word version. The Word version is editable and the PDF version ensures that the format of the documents is fixed.
This bundle includes presentations of the four main Patron Saints of the United Kingdom. They can be used in assemblies or in R.E lessons. They pose discussion questions that can lead to group/class discussions or writing activities.
This presentation can be used for assemblies or in R.E lessons. It tells the story of Saint Patrick’s life. It also poses the questions of what Saint Patrick would have thought of how people celebrate his life today and how people should celebrate his life. This can lead to class discussions or writing activities.